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Venkatesh Segu, MD, FACE, ECNU

Endocrinologist & Internal Medicine located in Cedar Park, TX

About Dr. Segu

Venkatesh Segu, MD, FACE, ECNU, has over 19 years of clinical experience in endocrinology, diabetes, and internal medicine. He sees patients at Capital Endocrine & Diabetes in Cedar Park, Texas. After practicing in Texas, Indiana, and Utah, Dr. Segu founded Capital Endocrine & Diabetes in 2011 with the intent of providing dedicated, personalized medical services to his patients.

Dr. Segu completed his research fellowship at Pacific Northwest Research Institute, senior endocrine fellowship at University of Washington Medical School, and endocrine fellowship at the University of Wisconsin. He holds thyroid ultrasound and biopsy certifications from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology.

He has been formally trained in both the United States and India and has actively contributed to a variety of research publications. Dr. Segu is passionate about dedicating time to patients so they can get the best medical care possible.

Dr. Segu lives with his wife in Austin, Texas, and has a son, daughter, puppy, and parrot. He also enjoys watching basketball, football, and tennis.


Venkatesh Segu, MD, FACE, ECNU

Venkatesh Segu, MD, FACE, ECNU, has over 19 years of clinical experience in endocrinology, diabetes, and internal medicine. He sees patients at Capital Endocrine & Diabetes in Cedar Park, Texas. After practicing in Texas, Indiana, and Utah, Dr. Segu founded Capital Endocrine & Diabetes in 2011 with the intent of providing dedicated, personalized medical services to his patients.

Dr. Segu completed his research fellowship at Pacific Northwest Research Institute, senior endocrine fellowship at University of Washington Medical School, and endocrine fellowship at the University of Wisconsin. He holds thyroid ultrasound and biopsy certifications from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology.

He has been formally trained in both the United States and India and has actively contributed to a variety of research publications. Dr. Segu is passionate about dedicating time to patients so they can get the best medical care possible.

Dr. Segu lives with his wife in Austin, Texas, and has a son, daughter, puppy, and parrot. He also enjoys watching basketball, football, and tennis.


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Certifications & Associations

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Research Publications

Segu VB, Mahvi DM, Wilson MA, Hale SJ, Warner TF, Meredith M, Shenker Y. Use of In-111 pentetreotide scintigraphy in the diagnosis of a midgut carcinoid causing Cushing's syndrome. European Journal of Endocrinology 137(1):79-83, 1997.



Segu VB, Guodong Li, Stewart A Metz. Use of a soluble tetrazolium compound to assay metabolic activation of intact ß cells. Metabolism 47 (7): 824-830, 1998.



Guodong Li, Segu VB, Rabaglia ME, Luo R, Kowluru A, Metz SA. Prolonged depletion of GTP induces death of insulin-secreting cells by apoptosis. Endocrinology 139:3752-3762, 1998.



Kowluru A, Li GD, Rabaglia ME, Segu VB, Hofmann F, Aktories K, Metz SA. Evidence for differential roles of the Rho subfamily of GTP-binding proteins in glucose-and calcium-induced secretion from pancreatic beta cells. Biochemical Pharmacology 54 (10): 1097‑1108, 1997 Nov 15.


Briaud I, Harmon JS, Kelpe CL, Segu VB, Poitout V. Lipotoxicity of the pancreatic ß cell is associated with glucose-dependent esterification of fatty acids into neutral lipids. Diabetes 50 (2): 315-21, 2001.


Metz S, Holland S, Johnson L, Espling E, Rabaglia M, Segu VB, Brockenbrough S, Tran PO. Inosine-5’-monophosphate dehydrogenase is required for mitogenic competence of transformed pancreatic beta cells. Endocrinology 142 (1): 193-204, 2001.